Businesses Formed
Client Satisfaction
New Federal Law Requirement: all LLC/Corp owners must file Beneficial Ownership Information Report. Click Here to Purchase
Form, Manage and Protect your business with Ease, at Legal Ease Now!
Complete LLCs for just $599.99 + fees*
Resale Certificate plans start at $399.99 + fees*
Try our new FREE business name generator tool to create the perfect name for your company!
Get peace of mind and professional assistance throughout your business journey.
Form your business with the right structure for your needs
LLC plans start at $599.99 + fees*.
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Corporation (C Corp, S Corp)
Doing Business As (DBA).
Foreign Qualification
Business Name Generator
Manage your business and obtain
the certificates and permits you
need to be successful
Resale Certificate plans start at $399.99 + fees*
Resale Certificate
BOI Report
Annual Renewal
Registered Agent Services
Tax Services/ITIN
Protect your business by trademarking your intellectual property
Trademark plans start at $699.99 + fees*
Trademark Registration
Trademark Search and Monitoring
Legal Help
Our corporate creation services are distinguished by their prompt, reliable,
and expert assistance, ensuring a swift and efficient business formation
process. With a wealth of experience, our team prioritizes your needs,
offering personalized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. You
can trust us to navigate the complexities of your particular business needs,
ensuring peace of mind. Our track record speaks volumes, with countless
satisfied clients benefiting from our professional approach and dedication
to excellence. Choose Legal Ease Now for your corporate creation needs
and experience the difference firsthand
Businesses Formed
Client Satisfaction
† DO NOT use Registered Agent address as your mailing address for ordinary business needs. Amazon merchant verification postcards WIL NOT be accepted. Registered agent address is only for use on legal documentation, like State (e.g. Articles of Organization and Annual Renewal filing) and Federal (e.g. IRS filings) filings.
Disclaimer: Legal Ease Now LLC provides access to independent attorneys and self-service tools. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. Use of our products and services are governed by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
†† Disclaimer: ATTORNEY ADVERTISEMENT: Attorneys advertised on this site are independent attorneys. Legal Ease Now LLC does not recommend any lawyer or law firm that advertises on our site. Legal Ease Now is not an “attorney referral service” or a law firm. The information provide to Legal Ease Now is not protected by attorney-client privilege.
*Fees: Listed fees are based on formation in the State of Wyoming and include filing fees, registered agent fee, if applicable, processing fees and service fees. Additional states aer available upon request. Fees may vary.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Legal Ease Now LLC provides access to independent attorneys and self-service tools. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice.